2015-01-28 │ 【活动】Current technology evolution and future global disruption-2.3项目说明会
2015-01-20 │ 【活动| 领导力沙龙Ⅳ】-2.2Chinese and Western leadership research – is there a fusion kitchen?
2015-01-20 │ 【同学思享荟】创业,让我们发现全新的自己—复旦-BI(挪威)MBA项目校友创业分享会
2015-01-20 │ The program gives me confidence
2015-01-09 │ 【活动】Find Another Me-校友谈创业分享会暨项目说明会
2014-12-15 │ BI-Fudan MBA 20班上海课程结业感言
2014-12-03 │ 【活动| 领导力沙龙Ⅲ】-12.9Sustainable Leadership
2014-12-02 │ BI continues to climb on prestigious ranking
2014-11-25 │ 复旦-BI(挪威)MBA项目23班开学典礼顺利举行
2014-11-24 │ 11月30日聚贤荟讲座预告-How to create a Sustainable Supplier Base in New Economies