随着social media的普遍使用,极大的参与感和互动空间让人与人之间的距离越来越近。复旦-BI(挪威)MBA项目的校友和同学习惯在自己的微博和微信上分享MBA对自己工作、学习和生活的点点滴滴和人生感悟。 只字片语却以小见大,节选部分同学微语录,与君共赏:
Experiencing the world class teaching of Organization Management and Control! Stretching ourselves to Executive thinking is not easy, but really valuable to Storm the brain. Thank you Hanno and thanks to all fellow classmates!
Organizational Management的课程在同学们的欢声笑语中结束,汉叔果然不负最受欢迎教师的美誉,感谢他对知识理论系统性的梳理,方法论的引导,和解读MBA项目的意义,都让我们获益菲浅。还有可爱的group 6的小伙伴,4个周末并肩作战,有欢笑,有苦闷,有心潮起伏,最后收获的是满满的幸福,亲爱的朋友,相聚亦有时!
Big picture first, details follows. Goal, resource, pressure, are keys to innovation success.个体主观能动的高参与度,将会是未来组织管理的高级模式。Thanks,Prof. Hanno Robert!
转发同学的帖子:作为班长,为我们永远的19班而骄傲! One of the best! 这次leadership和一个别班的学姐上课。我很感动结束后她特地给我们写的邮件,在这个忙碌的时代,能够花时间体会和表达人与人之间的感受和感情,是最珍贵的回馈。同时,再一次为19班骄傲!
Dear All:
Just want to deliver my thanks to all of you for your hospitality in the leadership module since I realizedthat this class would be my last time to have a course with Class 19th.
I enjoyed the discussions and negotiations we had before the course started, the times we spent together on having dinner together and sharing ideas.
I had my second child during my MBA studies as well as had an internal transfer from R&D to commercial almost in that same period.This brought me a lot of family work as well as business travels, in a certain while, so many changes led me to the situation that I could not focus on my studies.In order to still make the studies valuable, since I still want to participate in the studies and really learn something but not only get my credits, I decided to postpone some of my courses.
It was my great honor to have the chances to have several courses with MBA 19th, especially with you guys, being the only group member who was not from the class 19th in the leadership module, you involved me in the team discussions, the dinners and lunches we had together before and during the courses, the involvement of the discussions you allow me to participate.
Just as Jan said during the classes, you are one of the best classes he had been teaching, to me, you are one of the best classes that I have been in to during my MBA studies, you are open to share, having strong desire to learn, etc., I also learned a lot by being with you all, what I was thinking during the class was that how brilliant you are, and how lucky I am to have the chance to have classes with you guys, I learned so much.
Kindly please express my great thanks to your classmates.And good luck with your thesis!As well, a lot of success in your professional life!Keep in touch!
With Best Regards,
披星戴月的第三天,苦中有乐,战斗的情谊由此拉开序幕;有人研究case,有人赞助餐饮,有人专门写手……多好的团队合作,我们是Group 7!
Idea work with a lovely team! The dress code and terminology in 4-day class are very impressive. Although sometimes we were confused, sometimes we even did not understand the concepts, learning is full of fun and laughter.
I still believe that taking MBA is a journey to find another me.
两年的BI-Fudan MBA学习,确实让我受益匪浅。视野开拓了,大量的case阅读、和来自不同行业和管理职位的同学交换心得,经常让我觉得茅塞顿开。知识丰富了,系统地学习了从corporate strategy到HR、IT、Operation management等每一个领域的管理课程,还有机会到加州大学伯克利分校这样的梦中学府去游学的宝贵机会;人脉拓展了,现在不管是公检法办事还是看病买房贷款都能找到同学帮忙,想踢球想吃饭想扯淡都能找到小伙伴;最重要的还是能力提高了,每次上课厚厚一本英文教材,全英文授课,读过的几十上百个哈佛等知名商学院的case,做过的无数个PPT,在认识的、不认识的人面前做的大量英文演讲,都大大地提高了我对英语的熟练运用程度和讲东西时的表现力,这些都成为了我职业发展走向更高职位的重要基础。而这一切,你只要付人民币不到三十万,三十万,不过是几张上海牌照,三十万,不过是几平米房子……你,还在等什么?
Thoughts after orientation: Language proficiency really applies to theory of use and disuse; and I totally enjoy and cherish this community of classmates who’re all competitive but also hold traits of compromising and collaboration plus fun!! I believe we shall have a great two years of time ahead.
Our passions and aspirations were recorded on the stage and sealed in the envelopes.Let’s strive from now on till the celebration.Live our lives to the full!