

Only the Sky Is the Limit: Reflections on My MBA Journey

June 22nd, 2024, is destined to be the most unique day in my life; it’s not just the very next day after my birth date, not just a normal early summer day, but marks the limestone day of the 2368 graduates of Fudan School of Management. I’m one of them. The stuff heat between thunderstorms can never hinder the zeal of classmates and soon-to-be alumni. As I stand among the ceremony, in the Zhengda stadium, diploma in hand, the culmination of two intense years at the helm of my MBA journey, I can’t help but marvel at the transformation. The corridors of academia have been my proving ground, and the sky—well, it’s no longer the limit; it’s the canvas for my aspirations. I am reminded of the words of the ancient philosopher Aristotle, who said, “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”.

They say education is a journey, not a destination. For me, it’s been a voyage across tempestuous seas, guided by the North Star of curiosity. As a 50-year-old “best student” winner, I’ve embraced life-long learning with fervor. The classroom discussions, late-night study sessions, and countless case analyses—they’ve all woven a rich tapestry of knowledge. But it’s the hunger for more that propels me forward. Learning isn’t confined to textbooks; it’s in the pulse of the world, the rhythm of change. And so, I sail on, charting new courses, fueled by intellectual curiosity, with “life-long learning” moto as a beacon in the storm. Bruce Lee once remarked, “There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” This belief became my mantra, pushing me to transcend my own boundaries and preconceived limitations.

In the School of Management, the hallowed hall, I’ve danced the tango of collaboration. My classmates—each a note in the symphony—spanned continents, cultures, and careers. We dissected business problems, debated strategy, and forged bonds that transcended borders. The late-night brainstorming sessions, the camaraderie during group consultancy project—they’ve etched themselves into my memory. We weren’t just teammates; we were co-pilots navigating uncharted waters. And when the waves threatened to capsize us, we leaned on each other, finding strength in our diversity, and composing teamwork into the symphony of diverse minds. I’d have to extend my sincerest gratitude to my fellow teammates, Vivian, Tammy, Jennifer, achieving the Best Consultancy Project of the class 37, on top of my award, since it’s definitely driving force to my humble achievement.

Ringing the bell, the presentations—the crucible where nerves met eloquence. Week after week, we stood before our peers, armed with slides and conviction. Our professors, like seasoned conductors, demanded clarity, coherence, and creativity. They pushed us beyond our comfort zones, urging us to communicate with impact. And so, we honed our storytelling edges, learned to distill complex ideas into digestible morsels, and—yes—embraced the art of PowerPoint. Homework? It was more than assignments; it was a canvas for our intellect. The sleepless nights, the ink-stained pages—they marked the brushstrokes of our growth.

Our professors—eccentric, brilliant, and occasionally mischievous—were the alchemists of wisdom and wit, who turned theory into gold. Their lectures were more than syllabi; they were purely performances. Professor Wang Xiaozu, with his signature glasses style and penchant for analogies and puns, made “corporate finance“ dance; Professor Zou Deqiang - “Xiao Qiang”, the maestro of marketing, spun tales of consumer behavior that left us spellbound, and caught on our nerves just for a mind-twisting innovative learning; And Professor Hanno Roberts, his dry wit could rival Oscar Wilde. They didn’t just teach; they ignited curiosity, leaving us hungry for more. Their humor, like seasoning, flavored the academic feast.

Epilogue: The Sky Beckons

Entry and graduation ceremonies all resounded and resonated like yesterday, as I step into the post-MBA world, I’d carry these reflections like lanterns in the night. Life-long learning-the compass; Teamwork - the anchor; Presentations and homework - the forge; Professors - the guiding stars. And the sky? It’s no longer a limit; it’s an invitation. An invitation to soar, to explore, and to leave my mark on the canvas of possibility.

Therefore, here’s to the BI-Fudan MBA — a voyage that reshaped my mind, rekindled my spirit, and reminded me that only the sky is the limit!