
【游学记】A Memorable Study Tour in IE,看看他们怎么说






                                                                                                       ——BI-Fudan MBA25 Annie颜海霞

怀着二宝开始了我在BI-Fudan的MBA征程。二宝半岁,背着奶去马德里上课。IE商学院,  我梦想中的商学院。感谢BI-Fudan MBA帮我实现了这个最初的梦想。这一路走来真的很辛苦,但是始终相信最终获得的总是最好的安排。就像当初选择项目一样。

                    ——BI-Fudan MBA26 Elaine 王零



 ——BI-Fudan MBA26 Tommy 黄卫星

Prado museum visit gave us the chance to experience the European culture from Arts, a good supplementary to the in-house class.

——BI-Fudan MBA26 Joyce 陈佳瑶



——BI-Fudan MBA26 Lili 黄渊琳


——BI-Fudan MBA26 Tiffany 刘婷


复旦-BI (挪威)MBA项目与西班牙IE商学院联合提供的海外课程,将这种需求,将其中的机遇和风险,系统地展示了出来。课程与来自挪威BI的EMBA学生一同进行。不同的国籍,人种,行业,职业,产生了全方位的文化和思维碰撞。西班牙的课程,帮助我更清晰地理解世界经济格局,更深入地理解商业活动,大有裨益,收获匪浅。非常棒!

——BI-Fudan MBA26 檀亮


Out of your comfortable zone, you will find a brilliant new world!

——BI-Fudan MBA26 Caroline 李佳


This elective course in IE business school has really impressed me a lot! The first session about Business, Government & Society gave us a deeper understanding of business strategy. During this part, the lake simulation was interesting and inspired which related to collectivization, problems impact business, pursued solutions and difficulties. In addition, we also had an idea about European & Latin American economy, culture and business. It has opened a new world for us so that we can have a more international perspective. And last but not least, the tour of Prado Museum and reception at the Norwegian Embassy’s house made the rest of perfection in Madrid!

——BI-Fudan MBA25 Bonnie 唐晓菁


I am really impressed by Spain. It's a journey of exploring by learning and sharing creative ideas with peers in IE business school; by experiencing the culture of Español; by approaching the great works in museum.

——BI-Fudan MBA25 Alice 张文


——BI-Fudan MBA25 Andy 陈亮


Key take way from Madrid course:Pay more attention on non market strategy,esp. for those industry or company highly regulated by non market stakeholders,like healthcare in China today.

——BI-Fudan MBA25 陈彪


The module in I.E. Madrid enlarged my horizons and inspired me to think differently and think more globally - as before, Latin America is a very vague continent to me, neither the macro economic nor the culture there, and I personally never considered seriously about any business opportunity in Latin America - All this changed since this trip in IE. I appreciate a lot to this precious experience!

——BI-Fudan MBA25 Daisy 翁靓熙



——BI-Fudan MBA25 Carolina 袁圆



