
In Memory of Jaana M. Haartveit

In Memory of Jaana M. Haartveit


Jaana M. Haartveit (1959-2012), BI-Fudan MBA Class 6,

Managing Director of Travclnet Norway,

CEO of Brand Balance,

Senior Designer of Themed Entertainments Shanghai Ltd.


It is sad news. Jaana M. Haartveit passed away. As her friends and classmates, we all feel it so sad and sudden. She was always cheerful and happy and touched all of us with her smile and kind words.


In memory of Jaana, we quote below two email messages she wrote even when she was so sick, but she seemed still very jolly as her usual self. We really cannot take life for granted. We need to cherish every minute of it as Jaana did. 


We are unable to attend the funeral service in Tampere, Finland to say our last farewell to Jaana. But we can follow the proposal that we all gather in one minutes silence to honor Jaanas’ memory, at 1 pm, June 8, 2012.


Two email messages Jaana wrote as her last words to us.

At 2011-12-16 15:57:23,"jaana mansisto haartveit" <jaanamansisto@gmail.com> wrote: 

Dear friends,

I hope you do not mind my annual homemade advent calendar being late this year. I trust that the ones of you who know about my unusual circumstances, will understand the delay. And you others, I just must ask you to forgive me being late. After all, I make it before Christmas!

With reference to the changes in personal life, I assure I am not giving up. I can't but agree and follow the words of M. Washington:

"I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances".

Having said that, today it is the last day of "Julebord", "Pikkujoulu", equal to Christmas party with excessive drinking and eating - and being cheerful in Norway and Finland. I hope you will have a good time and enjoy but not count the calories.

I have been given so many advice of diet in China and in Finland, that I am a bit confused. I guess there is only one good and very simple rule to follow, where ever we are in the world, is: "Food is an important part of a balanced diet".

I wish you a very good, last pre-Christmas weekend.




Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 23:09:51 -0800

Subject: Chrismas and caring

From: jaanamansisto@gmail.com


It is time to wish each other a very good Christmas. In addition to these words I want to thank each and everyone for having been so supportive during my difficulties this autumn. Thank you for caring, it has meant a lot to me.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
