
Strategic Branding

Strategic Branding

---- Brands That Matter


On Saturday afternoon, 19th May 2012, the students from BI-Fudan MBA program had a lecture about ‘Strategic Branding’ in Room 303, Starr Building at School of Management, Fudan University. It was organized by student union of BI-Fudan MBA -- Join & Share, Industries Department. Although it was raining heavily, the classroom was still packed. Weichao Ou, who is alumni from BI-Fudan MBA Class 13, delivered this topic with his partner Martin Stenberg, who is the Country Manager Rewir China.


At the beginning, the representative of Join&Share Committee, Jenny Nie made a welcome speech: ’Join & Share organizes network building activities and creates better bonds between classmates and among peers from different classes. The students who had a chance to study here can not only gain in-depth management knowledge, but also friendship and future opportunities.’ Weichao Ou also made a speech, he pointed out the program is highly identified as a cultural bridge, and as a student of BI-Fudan MBA, he learned much from Join & Share.


The lecture was held by Martin first. His humor made everyone laugh. ‘How do you think brand is important to a company, and do you think brand is important in China?’ With this question, Martin began his lecture. He indicated that with the rapid development of China’s economy, both Chinese companies and foreign companies need to focus in branding. Only in this way, can they survive in the fierce competition. Martin gave five steps for those companies which want to set up brands: insight, strategy, concept, design and activation. Using the examples of some famous brands, like Apple, HTC and Kodak, he explained the five steps in detail.


Weichao Ou took over the microphone; he emphasized three key points of brand building: Discrimination, Correlation and Publicity. He thought that as a leader of company, the one must balance the brand well, and to make sure what kind of user groups they want to serve. Nike, as a famous successful brand, gave people a good example of brand building. Weichao Ou also considered that brand strength is important. If people went to an unacquainted place, they preferred to choose those brands that they were familiar rather than those other brands. He summarized three principles of brand building: Make invisible visible, Re-define your category, and Ask-Do&Share. Under this new situation, only those who can change their mind can grasp the opportunity.


These kind of practical topics are warmly welcomed by BI-Fudan MBA students. The speakers and audience had a very positive interaction during the lecture. After the speech, there was a hot debate among them.


BI-Fudan MBA program