By BI-Fudan MBA9, Cherry Yan
Finally, the 2-year-MBA study has come to the end, and we have finished all the module courses today. We were so sentimental at the dinner party.
I designed a survey for the whole class and asked my peers to nominate candidates: such as who is the hardworking student; who is the prettiest or most handsome; and who is “the sneak in and sneak out” and etc. To my surprise, I won three awards: the warm-hearted person, the dream-lover, and the “erotic” person (Ha-ha. This award was really out of my expectation. I felt that Zhu Qing or Bill probably should win this award.) We drank highly at the farewell dinner. After returning home, I wrote the following at my blogging.
I have made some very good friends during the class and thank you for your company during my low time. LS, MY, MS, JL, HL, YM, DX, RM…, and I really appreciated your friendship. When I felt frustrated, you guys were my “trash bins,” and gave me support and always cheered me up.
The dinners/drinking were always the happiest things during the two years. Michelle, you did make lots of fun after 2 cups of wine. Ha-ha, that is your brand now …
Rob, I hope your dream could come true. And please come back to China. Danny and I are always your buddies.
I would like to quote what Richard Gu once said: “男人的友谊是一起扛过枪, 一起同过窗,一起……” 两年的同窗情谊毕生难忘。
Lao Xu didn't allow us to say Goodbye, so “Ciao” to everyone. Please keep in touch and hope we could have a good time next year in Oslo at our graduation. And sure I will organize some activities, and as always, please join together.
Here I’d like to share some comments from my classmates with you all:
- 很幸运能和大家度过两年的时光。
- 终于要毕业了!
- 非常感谢红酒论文小组的搭档,这是非常完美的组合和合作。感谢你们,我从中收获颇多。
- 我想对所有同学说一句衷心的话;感谢你们给了我最难忘的两年一起学习的机会。
- Good experience in two years, good luck to everyone。
- MBA 光读书不行,多参加活动同样重要!
- 回味两年的学习生涯,如同重温少时旧梦。丢却的是少时的羞涩,带来的是成熟稳重与对生活的理解,风采不减当年!
- 两年的学习,感觉收获很多;不仅扩展了视野,还见识了很多,并扩展了我的人际关系。希望在今后能与同学们多保持这份情谊。
- 珍惜彼此的时光。
- 感谢所有的同学在这两年来给我的帮助,最主要的是我们度过了难忘而愉快的两年。
- 两年不够,作业太多。
- Last Module: Sad and we won’t meet every month.
- 累人,不过值!
- MBA9有个“四人帮”。