l BI accredited as specialised university institution
On 23 May the Cabinet passed a resolution that granted the BI Norwegian School of Management status as a specialised university institution with effect from 1 June 2008. Prior to this the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) had conducted an expert assessment of BI’s activities. The NOKUT board unanimously decided that the institution fulfils the requirements for accreditation as a specialised university institution.
l EQUIS accreditation
“BI is an overall high quality institution with very solid academic foundations that are clearly above the standards of quality in many EQUIS accredited schools.” This was the conclusion of the expert committee of EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), which conducted an assessment of BI in 1999. BI was the first Norwegian institution to receive the distinction EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System). In 2005 BI’s EQUIS accreditation was renewed (again as the first Norwegian institution).
l BI’s tuition is research-based
- Tuition is in accordance with the frontline of research
- Tuition is organised as part of the academic and research community at BI’s campuses, and is linked to BI’s network of academic and research resources
l One of
The BI Norwegian School of Management has one of
l Nine research departments
BI has a specialised staff with diverse academic backgrounds. The traditional fields of finance and administration are duly represented within financial economics, social economics, marketing, management, strategy, accounting, auditing and tax. In addition, a number of other subjects and disciplines in the social sciences and humanities are represented: political science, sociology, history, psychology, law and languages.
l BI in the European forefront in marketing
BI Norwegian School of Management is the best in Scandinavia and among
l Growth of 32 per cent in BI publishing
In 2006 BI’s faculty members achieved 184.4 publishing points for published research work (Database for Statistics on Higher Education). This is an increase of nearly 32 percent from 2005. In a matter of two years BI has increased its academic publishing by 120 percent.
l Norwegian Customer Barometer
The Norwegian Customer Barometer (NKB) is a research programme under the Department of Marketing at the BI Norwegian School of Management.
NKB focuses on relations between customers and suppliers. Based on an annual acquisition of data from Norwegian households, NKB’s goal is to be the benchmark Norwegian companies’ use as a basis for:
- comparison with other companies
- comparison with other lines of business
- comparison over time
- own and more extensive surveys
NKB also wants to be a driving force in communicating results and knowledge that contribute to increased value creation in Norwegian businesses.
l BI researchers receive prestigious international awards
In 2008 Kenneth H. Wathne received the Louis W. Stern Award for his research paper “Opportunism in Interfirm Relationships: Forms, Outcomes and Solutions”, published in the Journal of Marketing. Co-author: Jan Heide.
l In 2007 Tor W. Andreassen received the MSI/H. Paul Root Award for the article “A Longitudinal Examination of “Net Promoter” on Firm Revenue Growth” in the Journal of Marketing. Co-authors: Tim Keiningham, Bruce Cooil and Lerzan Akzoy.
l BI has 20 research centres
Several of BI’s research departments have established research centres to focus the research commitment on areas that play a vital part in Norwegian society. BI is committed to develop new knowledge of and competence in these areas.
l Endowment professorships
Several companies and organisations support research at BI through various collaboration agreements. Some of these also contain professor chairs. In 2006 BI had 12 such professor chairs (an increase from eight in 2005). The professor chairs entitle their holders to conduct free and independent research.
l Doctorates
The doctorate programme at BI started in 1998 and is today one of the most extensive doctorate programmes in
International activities
l BI among the 100 best business schools among 4000 such schools worldwide
The BI Norwegian School of Management is among the 100 most recognised business schools in the world, and among the 1000 schools “that count on earth” according to a new international survey.
l Exchange and recruitment
BI contributes to internationalisation through global exchange and recruitment of students, joint training programmes with foreign educational institutions; own study centres abroad and training programmes in collaboration with international companies.
l Established in
In 1999 the BI Norwegian School of Management established the
l Collaboration with ESCP-EAP in
In 2003 BI established an International Executive MBA programme in collaboration with the reputable business university ESCP-EAP in
l Double degree – Master programmes
A double degree has been established in collaboration with recognised schools in
l The BI Norwegian
There has been an extensive collaboration between these two schools since 1996, and includes MBAs for Chinese leaders. More than 1300 Chinese have completed the programme so far and 200 new candidates graduate every year.
l EMBA in Shipping, Offshore and Finance
This programme is offered part-time in collaboration with
l The BI Norwegian
BI will develop an Executive MBA programme in logistics and management in collaboration with the
The autumn of 2008 will be the fifth year that
l BI has also sent student groups to
l The BI Norwegian
The BI Norwegian School of Management and Fudan School of Management have launched a new MBA programme for members of
The MBA programme is an important part of the COC’s preparations for the Olympic Games in
l Exchange agreements
BI has exchange agreements with 140 foreign universities and colleges in 40 countries.
l Master of Management in
BI trains Master of Management candidates in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Management in
Financial and academic sustainability
l BI is a non-profit foundation and does not have private owners.
All value creation in BI is focused on enhancing academic activities that meet the need for knowledge among students, business and industry and the public sector.
BI is to create a positive financial result for the purpose of enhancing the academic basis of its activities.
l A positive financial result is necessary to have the freedom to finance activities and investments that do not encounter a willingness to pay in the target groups until they have had the opportunity to observe and experience the activities.
Financial strength is necessary to bear risks related to own research and development.
Continuing education bears fruit
l Continuing education provides a strong increase in job satisfaction
according to a survey conducted by the BI Norwegian School of Management. The duration of continued education plays an important part in regards to how much satisfaction increases. The Executive MBA candidates have the highest level of satisfaction at 100 percent following graduation. This is an increase from 68 per cent before the programme started.
l The MBA candidates are the group with the greatest progress in satisfaction, from 41 percent before the programme started to 97 percent after completion. The survey also shows that candidates in other programmes at BI also experience a considerable increase in satisfaction.
l Career booster
The Executive MBA candidates generally change jobs after taking the degree. As many as 87 percent say that they received a new title after three years. In comparison, 75 percent of the Master of Management and Bachelor of Management candidates changed jobs within three years of completing their degree. Both groups mostly changed jobs internally in their companies. The picture is slightly different for the MBA candidates; they very often change both companies and jobs.
l Easier to get a new job with continued education
Nearly 80 per cent of those who have continued education feel that it has made it easier to get a job outside their company.
l Continued education leads to salary increases
A total of 93% of those who took a degree at BI have achieved a higher salary within one year of completing their education, regardless of the study programme they chose. They advance internally, become more satisfied with their job and receive more fringe benefits. This is documented in BI’s Labour Market Survey from 2006 for continued education / post-graduate students.
l Quality most important factor when choosing educational institution
Six out of ten students that have continued their education at the BI Norwegian School of Management believe that quality is the most important criterion when choosing an educational institution.
Quality is the most important factor for the MBA students; as many as 86% rank this as the most important factor. The figure is also high for the Master and Management programmes; 64% emphasise quality. About 1400 students participated in the survey.
l Seven out of ten senior executives have a business education
Seven out of ten senior executives in
Most of these economists are Master students or MBAs, and many of them also have postgraduate training at the Master level. If postgraduate training at the Master level is included, 72 percent of the executives have a business education.
l Attractive students from BI
Business and industry find students from the BI Norwegian School of Management very attractive according to figures from BI’s annual labour market survey for the 2007 graduates. More than 95 percent of Bachelor students had jobs within six months of graduating.
l 59 percent of the 2007 graduates had job offers before completing their programmes.
l 79 percent of the applicants for BI’s Bachelor programmes apply to BI because of the job opportunities following programme completion.
l Bachelor students have an average staring salary of NOK 356 000, including fringe benefits and bonuses.
l The Master students had an average salary of NOK 439 000 according to the labour market survey from 2007.
l The survey shows that the students achieve a salary benefit by studying a Master’s Degree after a completed Bachelor’s Degree. A Master’s Degree entails an extra NOK 50
l Bachelor students who completed their programmes in 2007 have obtained jobs with large companies and organisations such as: Coca Cola, Glitnir Bank, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, TV2, Dagens Næringsliv (financial newspaper), PwC, ICA, DnB Nor, Christiania Securities, Ernst & Young, iHUS, Eiendomsmegler 1 (estate agents), Bauhaus, Jotun, Storebrand, Ringnes, the Armed Forces, the Bank of Norway, Procter&Gamble, Innovation Norway, Sparebank 1, Warner Music, Norsk Tipping, Grand Hotell Oslo, VOSS Water, Rimi and many more.