
Ms. Randi Lunnan


I have most of my education from the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen. During my PhD studies I also spent a year at Harvard. I have been at BI since 1999, from 2008 I was appointed full professor, and from 2012 I have been Head of Department.

Research areas
My research interest is strategic alliances, particularly how they develop over time, and international management where I have looked into headquarter activities.

Teaching areas
Teaching includes International Management at the Executive Master of Management, International Business in our BI/Fudan MBA Program, Strategic Management in Singapore as well as Internorganizational Relations at MSc and PhD levels.



Scientific publications

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)
Exploring subsidiaries’ perceptions of corporate headquarters: Subsidiary initiatives and organizing costs
Research in Global Strategic Management, 17, s. 165- 189. Doi: 10.1108/S1064-485720160000017007

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)
Exploring Subsidiaries’ Perceptions of Corporate Headquarters: Subsidiary Initiatives and Organizing Costs
Ambos, Tina C; Ambos, Bjørn & Birkinshaw, Julian (red.). Perspectives on Headquarters – Subsidiary Relationships in the Contemporary MNC

Benito, Gabriel R G; Rygh, Asmund & Lunnan, Randi (2016)
The Benefits of Internationalization for State-Owned Enterprises
Global Strategy Journal, 6(4), s. 269- 288. Doi: 10.1002/gsj.1138

Lunnan, Randi & Kovalevskaya, Daria (2015)
On the Receiving End of Outsourcing – Value Creation through Mediation of Alliance Portfolios.
Progress in International Business Research, s. 407- 435.

Lunnan, Randi & Zhao, Youzhen (2014)
Regional headquarters in China: Role in MNE knowledge transfer
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(2), s. 397- 422. Doi: 10.1007/s10490-013-9358-4


Lunnan, Randi (2018)
[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2018)
The down side of social integration: A discussion of precarious HQ-subsidiary relations and knowledge transfer
[Academic lecture]. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting.

Tomassen, Sverre; Lunnan, Randi, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2017)
The Dark Side of Social Integration: Knowledge Transfer, Bargaining, and Social Integration Mechanisms
[Academic lecture]. SMS Special Conference Banff.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Benito, Gabriel R G & Andersson, Ulf (2017)
The Darker Side of Social Integration: A Discussion of Bargaining Costs and Knowledge Transfer
[Academic lecture]. EIBA Annual Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)
A Subsidiary Perspective on Organizing Costs in Multinational Corporations: The Roles of Distance, Coordination and Relationship
[Academic lecture]. Academy of International Business Annual Conference.



1999 Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Ph.D Dr. Oecon.
1991 Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Master Cand. Oecon
1987 Norwegian School of Economics Master of Science in Business



2008 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor
1999 - 2008 BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor