
Communicating Across Cultures -- “Global Communication Effectiveness”

3月24日复旦-BI(挪威)MBA项目聚贤荟将邀请Athena Group International 公司总裁Pamela Pappas Stanoch女士在复旦大学管理学院就跨文化问题作英文演讲。
Communicating Across Cultures -- “Global Communication Effectiveness”
Presented by Pamela Pappas Stanoch
Date: Saturday, March 24, 2007 before 18:20-20:30
Venue: 205 Starr Building, School of Management, Fudan University
It is necessary to examine and assess one’s style of communication in order to understand where you are most effective and where participants can fine tune his/her style of doing business internationally. In addition, by examining the learning and processing styles of international counterparts, participants develop an increased level of understanding and awareness of how other cultures process information.
Brief Biography of Pamela Pappas Stanoch
Pamela Pappas Stanoch founded Athena Group International, a consortium of global talent designed to meet the needs of clients expanding their global operations, in 2003. Athena provides coaching, strategy and global network design, and other resources to its international clients.
In 1985, Pappas Stanoch founded Window on the World, Inc., a cross-cultural communications organization. Headquartered in Minneapolis , Window on the World, Inc. specialized in highly customized cross-cultural training and consulting for multinational corporations throughout the world. For seventeen years, Window on the World, Inc. worked closely with fortune 500 companies, helping to bridge the gap between them and their international business associates. In 2002 Pappas Stanoch sold Window on the World to Toronto-based FGI.
Pappas Stanoch was a contributing editor for Mary Bosrock’s “Put Your Best Foot Forward: USA,” has authored series on Global Awareness for Northwest Airlines’ “World Traveler Magazine”, the “Wall Street Journal” and “Women in Business” to name a few.Pappas Stanoch has been a keynote speaker and guest lecturer at events around the world. Her first book, “Managing Multi-Cultural Teams” will be published in the summer of 2007.
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