
Mr. Miha Škerlavaj


Miha Škerlavaj is Professor at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, BI Norwegian Business School. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Management and Organization at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics (FELU) in Slovenia. He received his Ph.D. from FELU. His work has been accepted for publication in journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Leadership Quarterly, Human Resource Management, and many others. It has been covered in popular press such as The New York Times.  His work has been rewarded with several national and international honors and awards.

Škerlavaj is an active author, reviewer, editor and as an expert to several accreditation bodies for quality in higher education. He teaches PhD, MBA, executive, and master of science programs. He is involved in research collaboration projects with international organizations and is also hired to hold invited talks for practitioners on organizational development and change, OB, HRM and innovation management-related topics. 
Research areas
Proactive and prosocial organizational behaviors (e.g. creativity, innovation, intra-organizational networks, work engagement; job crafting; cultural intelligence ...).

Organizational development and change (e.g. change management, knowledge management and hiding, organizational learning, organizational culture ...).

Creativity and innovation management (e.g. implementing creative ideas, nontechnological innovations, business model innovations, service innovations).

Teaching areas
Managing knowledge work, creativity and innovation
Organizational behaviour
Organizational network analysis
Multilevel issues in management and organization
Human resource management



Scientific publications

Hernaus, Tomislav; Černe, Matej, Connelly, Catherine, Poloski Vokic, Nina & Škerlavaj, Miha (2018)
Evasive knowledge hiding in academia: when competitive individuals are asked to collaborate
Journal of Knowledge Management Doi: 10.1108/JKM-11-2017-0531

Babic, Katja; Černe, Matej, Škerlavaj, Miha & Zhang, Pengcheng (2018)
The Interplay among Prosocial Motivation, Cultural Tightness, and Uncertainty Avoidance in Predicting Knowledge Hiding
Economic and Business Review, 20(3), s. 395- 422. Doi: 10.15458/85451.71

Škerlavaj, Miha (2018)
From Creativity to Innovation: Four Leadership Lessons about Capitalizing on High-Potential Ideas
Sasson, Amir (red.). At the Forefront, Looking Ahead: Research-Based Answers to Contemporary Uncertainties of Management

Škerlavaj, Miha; Connelly, Catherine, Černe, Matej & Dysvik, Anders (2018)
Tell Me If You Can: Time Pressure, Prosocial Motivation, Perspective Taking, and Knowledge Hiding
Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(7), s. 1489- 1509. Doi: 10.1108/JKM-05-2017-0179 - Full text in research archive

Sitar, Alesa Sasa; Pahor, Marko & Škerlavaj, Miha (2018)
Learning-structure fit Part II: Empirical examination of the relationship between employee learning and formalization, specialization, and standardization of work
Learning Organization Doi: 10.1108/TLO-02-2017-0022

In the media

Škerlavaj, Miha; Kostevc, Črt, Vasle, Boštjan & Jenko, Miha (2018)
Še deset super izvoznih let , da bomo blizu najboljšim
Delo, ISSN 0350-7521, 60 (231): 8. [Avis]

Škerlavaj, Miha & Ilar, Petra (2018)
Kako ustvarjalnost dobi pospešek
Dnevnik, ISSN 1318-0320, 68 (225): 7 [Avis]

Škerlavaj, Miha & Derčar, Maja (2018)
Zaposleni na prvem mestu (Employees first), Studio ob 17, Radio Slovenija 1
https://www.fdsm.fudan.edu.cn/fdrs/jump?link=@@4d!@rtvslo!@si/arhiv/studio-ob-17h/174556421 [Radio]

Škerlavaj, Miha; Fedina, Alla & Karvonen, Maria (2017)
Rethinking the boundaries of work between humans and machines
Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology 2017, 2 [Tidsskrift]

Škerlavaj, Miha (2016)
Študijski programi ponekod že na voljo v tujem jeziku
Svet na Kanalu A, Ljubljana, Slovenia [TV]


Kvalnes, Øyvind; Carlsen, Arne, Škerlavaj, Miha & Hanstveit, Erlend (2018)
Player Perspectives on Prosociality in Norwegian Football
[Academic lecture]. European Academy of Management.

Černe, Matej; Kaše, Robert, Hernaus, Tomislav, Dysvik, Anders & Škerlavaj, Miha (2018)
Pay-for-hiding? Pay-for-performance and team-based pay in knowledge hiding in mistrusted teams
[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Meeting 2018.

Carlsen, Arne; Dysvik, Anders, Škerlavaj, Miha & Kvalnes, Øyvind (2018)
Growing Givers at Work: A Systems Approach to Prosocial Agency
[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Meeting 2018.

Harrison, Spencer; Carlsen, Arne & Škerlavaj, Miha (2018)
Weaving Tapestries, Building Towers: Repeat Creativity in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe
[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Meeting 2018.

Škerlavaj, Miha & Vidovič Škerlavaj, Urška (2018)
Zvezde ali ozvezdja?
[Popular scientific article]. HRM: strokovna revija za ravnanje z ljudmi pri delu



2007 University of Ljubljana Ph.D.
2003 University of Ljubljana Master of Science



2015 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor
2013 - Present University of Ljubljana Adjunct Associate Professor in Management