
Mr. Lars Huemer


I have a Ph.D from Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University. Besides academic work in Sweden, and at BI since 1999, I have been a visiting scholar at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile (2004-2006) and at University of Technology, Sydney, Australia (1995).

Research areas
My research interests include interorganisational relationships and international management. Trust and identity are often core concepts. A recent project concerns interactions between multinational corporations and indigenous groups.

Teaching areas
Strategic management and Supply management. The role of business for economic and social development.



Scientific publications

Huemer, Lars (2017)
Everything is one? Relationships between First nations and salmon farming companies
Verbos, Amy Klemm; Henry, Ella & Peredo, Ana Maria (red.). Indigenous aspiration and rights: The case for responsible business and management

Huemer, Lars (2017)
Strategizing in horizons and verizons: Distinguishing between mediators and firms' mediating functions.
The IMP Journal, 11(2), s. 274- 288. - Full text in research archive

Abrahamsen, Morten H.; Henneberg, Stephan C., Huemer, Lars & Naudè, Peter (2016)
Network picturing: An action research study of strategizing in business networks
Industrial Marketing Management, 59, s. 107- 119. Doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2016.02.006

Wang, Xiaobei; Persson, Kurt Gøran & Huemer, Lars (2016)
Logistics Service Providers and value creation through collaboration: A case study
Long range planning, 49(1), s. 117- 128. Doi: 10.1016/j.lrp.2014.09.004

Huemer, Lars (2014)
Creating cooperative advantage: The roles of identification, trust, and time
Industrial Marketing Management, 43(4), s. 564- 572. Doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2014.02.011

In the media

Abrahamsen, Morten H. & Huemer, Lars (2017)
Blikk for bedre ­beslutninger
Ukeavisen ledelse [Kronikk]

Huemer, Lars (1)
Fra konflikt til samarbeid
Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]


Huemer, Lars (2018)
The uncertainty of creation and the risk of execution: Trust, predictability and the production of experimental music
[Academic lecture]. IMP Asia.

Huemer, Lars & Wang, Xiaobei (2018)
An interactive resource analysis of supply chain interdependencies
[Academic lecture]. IMP Conference.

Harrison, Debbie; Huemer, Lars, Andersen, Espen, Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard & Swärd, Anna (2018)
Deliberate network orchestration and deliberate non- network strategizing: Developing seamless travel experiences.
[Academic lecture]. IMP Marseilles.

Huemer, Lars (2017)
People, planet, profit: Interactions between Corporations and Indigenous Peoples
[Academic lecture]. Invited speaker.

Harrison, Debbie & Huemer, Lars (2016)
Network strategizing: A resource analysis
[Academic lecture]. IMP conference.



1998 Umeå University Ph.D.



2009 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor
2000 - 2009 BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor