Curriculum Information

The program consists of fifteen modules that are made up of eleven core modules and four electives. Ten of the eleven core modules are held in Shanghai, the final module is held in Oslo in conjunction with your graduation. Modules run from Thursday to Sunday.

You choose four of eleven elective courses. Either you select courses to further develop and refine an existing skill-set; or you branch out and gather expertise in new areas. If you have always wanted to study abroad and never had the opportunity then our MBA program is for you. Inclusive of the eight courses we offer, there are five that run at some of the world’s best business schools such as Haas School of Business in Berkeley, IE Business School in Madrid, Nanyang Technical University in Singapore, HPI Academy in Germany and NORRSKEN in Sweden.

We have categorised the modules into four distinct groups

Position the Business

Enables you to lead your company into a profitable situation with a strong competitive advantages.

Tools to Keep on Track

Provides you with an understanding of how to control your company.

Developing Innovative People

This is essential when gaining competitive advantage.

Overseas Courses

Hass School of Business, IE Business Schools, Nanyang Technological University, the Hasso Plattner Institute and NORRSKEN are world's leading producers of new ideas and knowledge in all areas of business.