What's the spirit of our class: 您认为我们班级的核心理念是什么?
Ø 低调,团结,分寸感强,和谐
Ø Energized
Ø Diligent attitude. Empathy for others. Nice people. Ambitious about the future.
Ø Friendship
Ø 不二,专一,二十一
Ø 团结,友爱
Ø 进步向上
Ø Loving, happiness is always our spirit.
Ø Learning is fun.
Ø Class 21 is mostly like a family to me, people share life, success and joy with me.
Ø Dedication to learning.
Ø Trust, understanding with love, open, 团结友爱
Ø Positive! Have Fun! Sharing Experience!
Ø Friendship
Ø Like a family.
Ø 平凡中的不平凡
Your best wishes to our classmates or reflection of the 2 years study: (Chinese/ English both okay)对于同学或两年学习生涯,表达最美好的祝愿:
Ø Hope we can keep communication with friends in the next decade.
Ø A bright future. Keep in touch. Strong network.
Ø 祝大家工作顺利,有机会实践所学的知识,早日实现个人理想
Ø 愿每个人学有所用,梦想成真!
Ø Think out of the box, you are better than who you are.
Ø Hope everyone finds his dream and make it come true.
Ø Come on! Future Business Leader!
Ø Prosperous future!
Ø Mindset transformation .Create future differently!
Ø 很开心认识大家,互相学习,共同成长,有快乐,有辛苦,有深思,有会心一笑。愿大家可以做永远的朋友,事业的伙伴,生活的挚友。让一切有更多可能!
Ø Everyone can learn more from MBA courses, also going to successful career in the future.
Ø 相逢即是缘分!有缘在一起的两年很开心,祝愿大家事业有成,一帆风顺,时常相聚!
Ø Wishes we all feel stronger, more confident about ourselves and the future we are able to create.
Ø Everyone can be the elite in their industry, leverage the knowledge we have in these 2 years, we all can be evolved to the people we wish to be. Also, cherish the friendship we gain from the class forever!
Ø Great experience to know lots of classmates and learning process. Keep in touch! We are always class21.