时间:2025年3月04日(周二) 15:30-17:00
地点: 复旦管院史带楼303室
题目: Power of Defaults in Mitigating the Gender Gap in Leadership
主讲人:肖尔特 教授( Monash University)
主持人:李玲芳 教授
Despite efforts to break the glass ceiling, women remain underrepresented in leadership. Institutional biases may contribute to this gap. I explore how changing the default in leadership selection—Opt-in vs. Opt-out—affects gender disparities. In one study, we show women are less likely than men to opt into leadership positions, even when they are top performers. An Opt-out mechanism, where candidates are included by default, increases women's participation and reduces gender gaps. In another study, we explore the role of merit in setting defaults. We examine whether Opt-out mechanisms mitigate gender gaps in contributing ideas, especially in male-stereotyped fields. Comparing merit-based and non-merit-based defaults, we find that both encourage women’s participation. However, even when the default is based on merit, gender stereotypes persist, with women contributing less in male-stereotyped environments. Together, these findings provide insights into how default structures influence gender disparities in leadership and idea contribution, highlighting both their potential benefits and their limitations.
Erte Xiao is a professor in the Department of Economics at Monash University. She conducts research to understand the motivational and behavioral consequences of extrinsic incentives and social preferences on decisions. She is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and is currently the Asia-Pacific Vice President of the Economic Science Association. She serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Judgement and Decision Making, and am on the editorial boards of Experimental Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, and The Leadership Quarterly.