时 间:2024年10月25日(周五) 9:30-11:00
地 点:史带楼503室
主题人:Jun Xia Professor Jindal School of Management,The University of Texas at Dallas
主持人:李绪红 教授
摘 要:
This study examines how political affinity influences the reputational penalties multinational corporations (MNCs) incur in their home countries for violating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards in host countries. Grounded in expectancy violations theory, we argue that stronger political affinity between home and host countries raises home stakeholders’ expectations for responsible corporate behavior abroad. Thus, when ESG violations occur in politically aligned host countries, home stakeholders respond with greater disappointment, leading to more severe reputational penalties. We also identify three key contingencies—violation severity, intentionality, and frequency—that amplify the impact of political affinity on reputational penalties by intensifying stakeholder disappointment. Analyzing a data set of 9,153 ESG incidents involving 547 U.S.-based MNCs, we find evidence largely supporting these claims.
Jun Xia is a professor in management and strategy at the University of Texas at Dallas. His research interests include resource dependence and power, institutional theory, social networks, and corporate strategies. His work has been published in the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of management journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Organizational Research Methods. He is a Senior Editor of Management and Organization Review and a review board member of Academy of Management Review and Journal of International Business Studies.