时 间:2024年9月23日(周一) 10:00-11:30
地 点:史带楼410
主 题: Using Diverse Defaults to Counteract Hiring Discrimination: Increasing Diversity Without Mentioning Diversity
主讲人:冯志玉 助理教授 中国人民大学商学院组织与人力资源系
主持人:陈星汶 副教授
摘 要:
Most past attempts to reduce hiring discrimination are subtractive in nature—they seek to eliminate people’s biases but have attained limited success. This research tested an additive approach, which seeks to crowd out intergroup biases with decision-making biases that do not mention gender, race, diversity, or discrimination. We focused on the default effect, one of the most powerful decision-making biases. Seven experiments found that when a diverse group of candidates was selected by default, decision-makers selected more women and ethnic minorities compared to a control condition in which no options were selected by default. As confirmed by an internal mini meta-analysis, this effect held even if most decision-makers changed the default options. This is because diverse defaults communicate a recommended course of action—an ideal selection is to follow the demographic distribution of the diverse default options by choosing diverse candidates; therefore, participants chose more diverse candidates than in the control condition even when the default options were no longer available (Study 4). We further found that the default effect was stronger for decision-makers who perceived that selecting candidates was effortful (Study 5) and those who had stronger stereotypes (Study 6). Finally, we found that the default effect increased hiring diversity even if bad options were selected as default—although most decision-makers changed the bad default options, they still selected more diverse candidates (Study 7). Overall, this research identifies an additive choice architecture intervention to undercut hiring discrimination without restricting hiring managers’ freedom and without mentioning diversity or inequality.
简 介:
冯志玉,中国人民大学商学院组织与人力资源系助理教授。2020年6月毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,获管理学博士学位。主要研究领域包括多样性、公平和包容(DEI)、领导力、商业和行为道德、管理决策等。学术论文发表于国际管理学和心理学期刊如OBHDP, JPSP, PS, JOB, JBE, EJWOP等,并被《哈佛商业评论》、《纽约时报》等多家媒体报道。曾获得2021 Responsible Research in Management award by the Academy of Management Fellows, 2021 Runner Up for Saroj Parasuraman Award by the Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division of AOM, 2022 Best Paper Award by Academy of Management OB Division, 2022和2024《Management and Organization Review》Best Reviewer Award等国际奖项。