时 间:2024-7-17(周三)10:00-11:30
地 点:李达三楼104室
题 目:How Collaboration Technology Use Affects IT Project Team Creativity: Integrating Team Knowledge and Creative Synthesis Perspectives
主讲人:方钰麟 教授 香港大学
主持人:张妮拉 信息管理与商业智能系 讲师
Contemporary IT project teams entail creative problem solving to address increasingly complex business problems, thus highlighting the need to promote IT project team creativity. Collaboration technologies are widely used in IT project teams, but little is known about what collaboration technology features can be used to promote IT project team creativity and their underlying influencing mechanisms. To address this important gap, this study identifies a set of collaboration technology features based on the team knowledge literature and decodes their influencing mechanisms on IT project team creativity by extending the creative synthesis perspective, a novel theory originated in the management literature, to the IT project team context. Specifically, we identify three sets of collaboration technology features: awareness knowledge support, long-term knowledge support, and transitional knowledge support, and posit that their use can improve IT project team creativity through the mediating mechanism of creative synthesis, a team process that includes three dimensions of collective attention, similarity building, and enacting ideas. This research model finds general empirical support through a multi-sourced survey of over 500 team members and their leaders from 62 IT project teams. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Yulin Fang is a Professor of Innovation and Information Management and Director of the Institute of Digital Economy and Innovation (IDEI) at HKU Business School. Before joining HKU, he was the Acting Head of the Department of Information Systems and Residence Master of Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Hall at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include digital innovation, digital entrepreneurship, digital transformation, platform ecosystems, and e-commerce/social media.
Yulin has published over 70 research articles in renowned information systems and management journals, including MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), Journal of Management Studies (JMS), Organizational Research Methods (ORM), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Production and Operations Management (POM), and Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) among others. His articles have been cited over 10000 times (Google citation) with an H-index of 44.
He has served as a Senior Editor of Information Systems Research, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Information Technology. He is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Information Technology & People. He was an Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research in 2012-2016, and was awarded the Associate Editor of the Year (2015) for his editorial services to Information Systems Research. He has also regularly served as a track co-chair for International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) since 2013. He was a faculty advisor at ICIS Junior Faculty Consortium in 2020, at ICIS Mid-Career Faculty Consortium in 2018, and PACIS Junior Faculty Consortium in 2023.