时 间:2024年6月3日(周一) 10:00-11:30
地 点:史带楼503室
主 题:Does Government R&D Certification Offset Innovation Constraints in Public Firms: Evidence from China
主讲人:Shaker A. Zahra
Professor in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship Department
Robert E. Buuck Chair of Entrepreneurship
Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
主持人:郑琴琴 教授
摘 要:
We study the effect of government ‘certification’, conferring financial and legitimacy benefits, for spurring radical innovations by publicly-traded firms. Specifically, we theorize that innovation is constrained in publicly-traded firms with a longer time since IPO and more institutional investors, owing to ensuing organizational rigidities, strict governance, and resulting agency problems. Hence, these firms become less likely to receive government certification for their innovation. Paradoxically, however, such certification holds more benefits for these companies by offsetting their innovation constraints resulting from becoming more entrenched in public markets, leading to new knowledge creation and diffusion. We test our theory using 680 publicly listed firms in China between 2000 and 2016. Our findings extend theories of the interplay between public and private actors for innovation in an important emerging market, validating the strategic complementary role of government certification for spurring publicly-traded firms’ innovation outcomes.
简 介:
Shaker A. Zahra is the Robert E. Buuck Chair of Entrepreneurship and professor of strategy and entrepreneurship, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He is also the academic director of the Gary S. Holmes Entrepreneurship Center.
His research connects entrepreneurship, internationalization, strategy, and technology management. He has served on the editorial boards of more than 25 professional journals. He has received Best Paper honors from numerous journals, as well as teaching awards including Best Teacher in the MBA program and a mentorship award. He has been the keynote speaker for more than 40 conferences and conventions, and serves as a consultant to multiple technology-based companies.