时 间:2024年4月23日(周二) 14:00-15:30
地 点:史带楼501
主 题:It’s Unexpected, But Good: Leader Traditionality Fuels Greater Follower Reciprocation to Servant Leadership
主讲人:廖晨炜 美国密歇根州立大学劳动关系与人力资源学院 副教授
摘 要:
Integrating expectancy-violation theory and social exchange theory, we investigate the role of leader traditionality in augmenting the positive effect of servant leadership in promoting follower reciprocation in three studies. In Study 1, we substantiate in an experiment that individuals indeed expect leaders possessing traditional values to be less likely to engage in servant leadership behaviors compared to leaders who are low in traditionality. Further, we test our full model in an experiment (Study 2) and find support for our hypothesis that the relationship between servant leadership, follower trust in the leader, and subsequent follower organizational citizenship behavior is stronger for leaders higher (vs. lower) in traditional values. Replicating the findings from Study 2, we conduct a field investigation (Study 3) with multi-wave and multi-source data from a Fortune 500 company and obtain full support for our model. The consistent findings across our studies provide strong support for the role of leader traditionality in altering the social exchange relationship between servant leaders and their followers.
简 介:
廖晨炜目前担任美国密歇根州立大学劳动关系与人力资源学院博士项目主管,同时担任JOM, PPsych等期刊编委。他的研究主要关注组织情境中涉及领导和下属之间的各种现象,包括服务型领导,领导成员交换,个性契约等。他曾获得美国国家科学基金,人力资源管理协会,中国管理研究国际学会,Greenleaf服务型领导研究中心等机构的资助。他的学术论文发表于AMJ, JAP, JOM, JIBS, LQ, JOB等期刊。