时 间:2023年12月5日(周二) 10:00-11:30
地 点:管理学院思源楼524室
主 题:Integrated Optimization of Farmland Cultivation and Fertilizer Application: Implications for Farm Management and Food Security
主讲人:邵鲁生 墨尔本大学商业与经济学院教授
主持人:吴肖乐 复旦大学管理学院教授
摘 要:
Motivated by the fresh produce industry, this paper studies a farmer's joint cultivation and fertilizer application decisions facing uncertainties in both the crop's market price and farm yield where yield is stochastically increasing in the fertilizer application rate. We develop a two-stage stochastic program that captures the trade-offs facing a farmer growing a single crop in a single season to maximize the expected profit. We then use the model to evaluate the effect of changes in market and operational environments on the farmer’s optimal decisions, profit, and the expected harvest volume (a measure of food security). Our analytical analysis is complemented with numerical experiments calibrated to data.
简 介:
Lusheng Shao is a professor of operations management in Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne. His research interests include competition in supply chains, contracts and incentives, and more recently, sustainable operations. He has published over 20 articles in leading operations management journals (e.g., OR, MSOM, POM, DS, and NRL), and won several awards in recognition of his excellence in research and teaching. Prof. Shao is an Associate Editor of Decision Sciences and serves on the Editorial Board of Production and Operations Management. He is an incoming Editor-in-Chief of Operations Management Research. He also reviews regularly for other journals including MS, OR, and MSOM.