时 间:2023年10月12日(周四)09:00-11:00
地 点:思源教授楼624室
主 题:Heterogeneous Complementarity and Team Design:The Case of Real Estate Agents
摘 要:
Workers often have unobserved characteristics, e.g., soft skills, that are important for teamwork. In this paper, we formulate and estimate a model of teamwork that imposes no functional form restrictions on the complementarity between different unobserved types of workers. Our modeling approach, which builds on stochastic block models in statistics (e.g., Bickel et al., 2013) and the econometric framework developed by Bonhomme (2021), can quantify individual contributions when only teams' outputs are observed. We apply our model to data from a leading Chinese real estate company; the data contain the complete history of team assignments, team performances, and detailed property characteristics. We find that complementarity between different team members is heterogeneous, which is hard to capture with commonly used production function forms. Workers whose solo performance is at the intermediate level complement all other types of workers the most. The best solo-performing workers, however, are not the best team players. Our findings suggest that firms can improve productivity by redesigning teams without incurring additional hiring costs. We use counterfactual experiments to restructure teams based on the uncovered type complementarity and find that overall team output improves by as high as 28.4%.
楚军红博士,香港大学商学院教授。1991年获北京大学经济学学士学位,1996年获北京大学法学博士学位,1996-2001年任教于北京大学,为助理教授和副教授,期间1998-1999年为哈佛大学访问学者。2006年获芝加哥大学MBA和工商管理博士学位,同年开始任职于新加坡国立大学,期间于2012-13年在密歇根大学访问一年。2022年8月开始任职香港大学 。
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