时 间:2023年6月6日09:00-10:30
地 点:线下:思源楼624;线上:腾讯会议118 559 155/密码:230606
主 题:What Your and My Enjoyment Says About Our Abilities in Those Domains
主持人: 许梦然 青年副研究员
主讲人:Jake Teeny
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University
摘 要:
This research takes a novel approach to a central aspect of the consumer experience, enjoyment. Whereas prior research has focused on the antecedents to enjoyment, this work uniquely examines the consequences of it for consumers’ self- and other-evaluations. First, I focus on the consequences of enjoyment for self-evaluation, providing robust evidence for a phenomenon we label “the enjoy-able effect.” High enjoyment of an activity – even when that enjoyment is unrelated to objective performance – increases consumers’ self-evaluations of ability at it. Second, I focus on the consequences of enjoyment for other-evaluation, demonstrating how enjoyment can create a pricing asymmetry in peer-to-peer marketplaces via related processes. That is, when buyers perceive sellers enjoyed the product creation process, buyers infer higher product quality, increasing their willingness to pay. For sellers, however, personally enjoying the production process signals a lower need for compensation, decreasing their wiliness to charge.
简 介:
Jake Teeny is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. His research focuses on the psychology of consumer behavior and the factors that lead companies, brands, and their products/services to become popular and talked about. More about his work and writings can be found at www.everydaypsych.com.