时 间:2023年5月23日(周二)09:00-10:30
地 点:思源楼 624
腾讯会议:514 736 599 密码: 230523
主 持 人:许梦然 青年副研究员
主 题:Platform Information Design and Competitive Price Targeting
主 讲 人:Ruiqi (Rachel) Wu
Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Delaware
Ruiqi (Rachel) Wu is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Rochester and an incoming Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Delaware. Her research interest centers on market frictions facing firms and consumers. She studies their implications on market designs and firm strategies in various contexts, including video game consumption, multi-category shopping behavior, and brand choices in the over-the-counter drug category. She applies causal inference techniques, structural approaches, and machine learning methods in her research. Before joining Simon, Ruiqi received her B.A. in Economics from Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
摘 要:
In online marketplaces, platforms decide what information sellers can use to target consumers, shaping sellers' marketing decisions and competitive outcomes. How should a platform design sellers' information for price targeting? We study this question empirically in the context of Steam--- the leading platform for PC-based video games. Using a novel dataset that tracks individual consumer purchases and usage for ten months, we estimate a flexible demand model to pin down heterogeneous consumer preferences for differentiated products. Then, we develop an equilibrium (targeted) pricing model, which solves sellers' pricing decisions corresponding to alternative information designs. Finally, counterfactual comparisons reveal how Steam can use information design to balance the information across sellers and improve sellers' total profits. We show that grouping consumers into coarsened segments for targeting does not come at the expense of severe profit loss. In particular, a two-segment design already helps sellers achieve 75% of the potential incremental profits.