时 间:2023年4月17日(周一)15:30-17:00
地 点:史带楼301室
题 目:No Intention to Profit; No Repugnance? Evidence From Online Experiments
主讲人:Erte Xiao professor
主持人:李玲芳 教授
摘 要:
We study whether and why people feel repugnance towards harmless transactions that profit off others’ misfortune, without causing the misfortune. Examples include second-hand markets for life insurance, and prediction markets for terrorist attacks. Repugnance in these contexts can be a constraint on market efficiency. In a series of online experiments (N>2000) that vary in the moral intensity of misfortune—from monetary losses in a game to deaths from road accidents—we find robust evidence of repugnance, measured using costly second- and third-party punishment, towards the party who profits from others' negative outcomes (that are merely determined by luck). Intentions to profit from others’ misfortune play a limited role in the punishment decisions. Repugnance is observed even when the profits are associated with good outcomes. Overall, repugnance is mainly outcome-based: people dislike profit-making that occurs as a result of others’ (mis)fortune.
Erte Xiao is a professor in the Department of economics at Monash University. Before joining Monash University, she was an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. Erte conducts research to understand the motivational and behavioral consequences of extrinsic incentives and social preferences on decisions. Her work has been published in journals such as PNAS, Journal of Public Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, and Management Science. Her projects have received funding from Australian Research Council, National Science Foundation (USA), National Institutes of Aging (USA) and Russell Sage Foundation (USA). She is currently the Asia-Pacific Vice President of the Economic Science Association. She serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and is on the editorial boards of several journals including Experimental Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, and The Leadership Quarterly.