时 间:2022年 12月13日(周二)14:00
地 点:腾讯会议
会 议 号:777 862 96641
主 持 人:张金萍 青年副研究员
报 告 人:Wenfeng WANG Assistant Professor (City University of Hong Kong)
题 目:A Look into Firms’ R&D Activities through Online Job Postings
摘 要:Information about firms’ research and development (R&D) activities is considered proprietary and is rarely disclosed. This study examines firms’ R&D activities through a new information source- R&D job postings. Using online job postings by US firms, we find that firms have been posting increasingly more R&D job advertisements from 2010 to 2019 and stock markets react positively to the significant increases in them. We also find that these postings have incremental power to predict firms’ future innovation outputs (patents and new products), with the predictive power being more pronounced for postings that require disruptive technology skills. We also observe firms’ continuous effort in acquiring new R&D skills, reflected by a growing difference between the R&D skill demand in later periods and that in earlier years. Moreover, the intensity of a firm’s R&D skill acquisition is positively associated with its future innovation outputs. Taken together, our results show firms’ R&D job postings are an important information source for their innovation activities.