时 间:2022年11月10日(周四)15:30-17:00
地 点:思源教授楼624室
腾讯会议号: 455 307 080 密码:221110
主 题:Search Prominence in a Distribution Channel
主讲人:朱毅 美国明尼苏达大学副教授
主持人:庄雷 复旦大学管理学院青年副研究员
摘 要:
Consumers increasingly start their online price search at a prominent retailer. This research asks whether the rise of a prominent retailer hurts channel members and consumers. We develop a search model within a distribution channel where non-shoppers sequentially conduct costly price search across retailers for a branded product. Our analysis indicates search prominence generates two effects: First, it de-escalates price competition among retailers under duopoly but intensifies competition under oligopoly; second, the prominence worsens the channel coordination between the manufacturer and the prominent retailer.Non-shoppers’relative segment size and search costs moderate these two effects. In comparison with the situation without prominence, we find that (1) in a duopoly, all channel members’ prices decrease in search cost. The manufacturer (prominent retailer) is always worse (better) off, whereas the non-prominent retailer is better off if the proportion of non-shoppers is low. (2) In an oligopoly, (a) whereas the wholesale price decreases in search cost, the prominent retailer’s price will first increase and then decrease in search cost; (b)non-prominent retailers are always worse off; and (c) the manufacturer and the prominent retailer are worse off when the search cost is medium and the proportion of non-shoppers is high, whereas both of them can be better off when the search cost and the proportion of non-shoppers are low. (3) Although search prominence does not necessarily hurt the channel profit or social surplus, our analyses suggest it always results in a decrease in consumer surplus within a distribution channel.
Yi Zhu is an Associate Professor of Marketing, Mary & Jim Lawrence Fellow at the University of Minnesota. He received his PhD in Business Administration from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2013. His research interests focus on the application of industrial organization models in marketing, online auctions, consumer search, advertising, media slant, sharing economy and Chinese economy. His recent works have appeared or forthcoming at Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research and International Journal of Research in Marketing. Yi Zhu is the recipient of the John D.C. Little Award for the best marketing paper published in Marketing Science or Management Science, the finalist for the Frank M. Bass Award for the best marketing paper derived from a Ph.D. thesis published in INFORMS journals, and the finalist for the Don Morrison Long Term Impact Award by ISMS (2021, 2022). He has been selected as a 2017 Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar and the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Scholars in 2022.