时 间:2022年9月20日(周二) 14:30-16:00
地 点:史带楼410室
主 持 人:刘圣明 博士
主讲嘉宾: 李福荔 教授、博士生导师
主 题:领导力研究及其数智化创新应用
Leadership Research and Its Innovative Application through Digitization
嘉宾介绍:李福荔,西安交通大学管理学院组织管理系教授,系主任,博士生导师。目前主要研究领域包括领导力、个体创造力与团队创新、主动性、人力资源数智化等。主持多项国家自然科学基金和教育部人文社科基金。已发表二十多篇国际高水平管理学期刊论文,包括Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Human Relations等。目前担任《管理学季刊》战略与领导行为的领域主编,Management and Organization Review和Journal of International Business Studies编辑评审委员会成员。
讲座摘要:In this talk, I will share one servant leadership research and showcase the advantages of using a visualized dashboard to bridge leadership research and practice. Drawing on demands–resources theory, we develop and test a dual-path model to unpack the energizing and draining mechanisms, captured by leader need satisfaction and role conflict, through which servant leadership affects leader psychological strain and job performance. We further identify leader–leader exchange (LLX) as a critical resource moderator that can strengthen the energizing benefit and buffer against the draining cost of servant leadership behaviors. Using five-wave, multisource field data from 474 team leaders, 3,712 followers, and 97 superior leaders, we find support for our major hypotheses. Our research contributes to a fine-grained understanding of the double-edged effects of servant leadership on leaders and sheds light on how and when leaders can benefit from practicing servant leadership. After that, I will use a real-world example from a cosmetics chain company to illustrate how cloud platform and dashboard technologies can advance leadership research in practice. Through streamlining workflow for survey administration via an online survey platform and visualizing leadership profiles in a dashboard, the digital platform provides managers and organizations with theory-driven and empirical-based talent management solutions.